20 Insightful Freelance Statistics and Facts for 2024

In 2024, freelancing is expected to continue its growth and prominence in various sectors.

Here are 20 insightful statistics and facts about freelancing for the year:

  1. The number of freelancers worldwide in 2024 is projected to exceed 1.57 billion[4].
  2. Freelancing is expected to become the majority workforce in the U.S. by 2027[3].
  3. Approximately two-thirds of freelancers report earning more from their freelance work than they did in traditional jobs[3].
  4. 51% of the Gen Z workforce (18-22 years) engages in freelance work[3].
  5. 36% of the U.S. workforce freelanced in 2020[4].
  6. Freelancers are increasingly being hired for specialized skills, such as web development and graphic design[4].
  7. The average freelancer in the U.S. earns an average of $28 per hour in specialized fields like web/mobile development, marketing, legal services, and accounting[4].
  8. The freelance market is projected to reach a value of $455.2 billion by 2023 and grow past $500 billion in 2024[4].
  9. 60% of individuals who left a regular job to freelance saw an increase in their earnings[4].
  10. 36% of businesses hired freelancers in 2018, up from 43% in 2017, and this trend is expected to continue[5].
  11. Remote work is becoming the norm, with employers embracing the concept and accessing a global talent pool[4].
  12. There is an increasing demand for specialized skills in various sectors, and freelancers with niche expertise will see a larger market for their services[4].
  13. Artificial intelligence and automation tools are becoming more refined and accessible, enabling freelancers to deliver projects faster and more accurately[4].
  14. The rise of remote work has made freelancers positioned to benefit most from this trend, providing their services from home or any location they choose[4].
  15. The adoption of artificial intelligence and automation tools is key to maintaining a competitive edge in the freelancing space[4].
  16. Green and sustainable jobs are in demand, with creative freelancers in design, marketing, writing, and more being asked to promote and develop sustainable products, messages, and brands[4].
  17. Companies are increasingly relying on freelancers to provide specialized and high-quality services, including software development, graphic design, and web development[1].
  18. The need for freelancers to multitask and have a diverse skill set outside their chosen profession is becoming more assertive[1].
  19. The freelance landscape is poised to witness a substantial evolution in remote work dynamics[2].
  20. AI and machine learning specialists, blockchain developers, cybersecurity consultants, content creators and copywriters, e-commerce specialists, health tech professionals, VR and AR developers, and sustainability consultants are among the most in-demand freelance jobs for 2024[2].

[1] https://goprospero.com/blog/freelancing-trends-of-2024-you-cant-miss/
[2] https://revolancer.com/magazine/freelance-industry-trend-predictions/
[3] https://gitnux.org/freelancing-statistics/
[4] https://www.clientmanager.io/blog/freelancing-trends-statistics
[5] https://flexiple.com/freelance/freelance-statistics-and-trends-2020
[6] https://explodingtopics.com/blog/freelance-stats
[7] https://explodingtopics.com/blog/number-of-freelancers
[8] https://smallbiztrends.com/2024/03/freelance-statistics.html
[9] https://allworknow.com/freelance-trends-to-watch-out-for-in-2024/
[10] https://techreport.com/statistics/gig-economy-statistics/
[11] https://revolancer.com/magazine/highest-paying-freelance-jobs/
[12] https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/20-of-clients-view-Boosted-proposals-in-2024/m-p/1528221/highlight/true
[13] https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonyounger/2024/01/02/the-freelance-revolution-in-2024-23-big-trends-to-consider/?sh=58da9c5f71ae
[14] https://smartblogger.com/freelance-statistics/
[15] https://teamstage.io/freelance-statistics/
[16] https://www.kiplinger.com/personal-finance/freelancing/going-freelance-what-you-need-to-know
[17] https://bloggingwizard.com/freelancing-statistics/
[18] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/emerging-trends-high-demand-freelance-professions-2024-orpiada-ieeuc
[19] https://www.fastcompany.com/91002160/10-tips-how-to-freelance-full-time-2024